Quanto custa o Toefl:Anais do Exame de Inglês Estudantil Toeic


The Cost of Taking the TOEFL: A Analysis of the TOEIC Exam

The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and the TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) are two of the most popular English proficiency exams taken worldwide. These exams are used by universities, employers, and language schools to evaluate the English language skills of non-native speakers. However, the cost of taking these exams can be a significant factor in deciding whether to pursue this route. In this article, we will explore the cost of taking the TOEFL and the TOEIC, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each exam.

The Cost of Taking the TOEFL

The TOEFL exam is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and is available in more than 160 countries. The cost of the exam can vary depending on the location and the type of exam taken (i.e., paper-based or computer-based). In the United States, the cost of the TOEFL exam is $180, while the cost in other countries can be as high as $200. In addition to the exam fee, there may be additional costs associated with taking the exam, such as travel expenses, accommodation, and registration fees.

The Cost of Taking the TOEIC

The TOEIC exam is also administered by ETS and is available in more than 50 countries. The cost of the exam can vary depending on the location and the type of exam taken (i.e., paper-based or computer-based). In the United States, the cost of the TOEIC exam is $150, while the cost in other countries can be as high as $175. Like the TOEFL, there may be additional costs associated with taking the exam, such as travel expenses, accommodation, and registration fees.

Benefits of the TOEFL

The TOEFL is considered by many to be the more prestigious of the two exams, as it is the official English proficiency test for universities in the United States. As such, a high score on the TOEFL may be more beneficial for those seeking admission to US universities or seeking employment in the US. Additionally, the TOEFL exam includes an oral component, which may be beneficial for those seeking to improve their speaking skills.

Benefits of the TOEIC

The TOEIC, on the other hand, is more widely recognized in other parts of the world, particularly in Asia and Oceania. As such, a high score on the TOEIC may be more beneficial for those seeking admission to universities or employment in these regions. The TOEIC exam also focuses on listening and reading skills, which may be more relevant for those seeking employment in these areas.

Drawbacks of the TOEFL

Despite its reputation as the more prestigious exam, the TOEFL may not be the best option for those seeking to improve their overall English proficiency. The TOEFL exam focuses primarily on grammar and vocabulary, which may not be as useful for those seeking to improve their writing and speaking skills. Additionally, the TOEFL exam does not include an oral component, which may be a drawback for those seeking to improve their speaking skills.

Drawbacks of the TOEIC

The TOEIC may not be the best option for those seeking to improve their overall English proficiency, as it focuses primarily on listening and reading skills. While these skills are important for those seeking employment in certain areas, they may not be as useful for those seeking to improve their writing and speaking skills. Additionally, the TOEIC exam does not include a grammar and vocabulary component, which may be a drawback for those seeking to improve their understanding of English grammar.

When deciding whether to take the TOEFL or the TOEIC, it is important to consider the benefits and drawbacks of each exam. The TOEFL may be more beneficial for those seeking admission to US universities or seeking employment in the US, while the TOEIC may be more beneficial for those seeking admission to universities or employment in other parts of the world. Additionally, it is important to consider the cost of taking each exam, as well as any additional costs associated with taking the exam, such as travel expenses, accommodation, and registration fees. Ultimately, the best exam for you will depend on your individual needs and goals.

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